Sunday, 30 April 2017

chi #energy

Shaolin Master Shifu Yan Lei: action makes your life

The Physiology of Tai Chi and QiGong

8 Brocades Qigong Practice

5 Element Qigong Practice - full version

3 Minute 8 Treasures Qigong and Fitness Workout

Shaolin Temple Workout In Your Living Room

The Correct Way To Breathe When Practicing Qigong For Health Or Body Conditioning

Eating the Shaolin Temple Diet
"It is a common misconception among many people that eating meat is necessary for providing the energy needed in vigorous kungfu. In fact the reverse is more probably true. Traditional Shaolin monks were strict vegetarians, and there was no doubt that they were tremendously powerful. Why? Where did they get their tremendous energy? About 80% was from “heaven chi”, i.e. from the cosmos, and 20% from “grain chi”, i.e. their vegetarian diet.

A meat eater might get more energy from his “grain chi”, but as toxic waste from meat is more than that from vegetables, and as toxic waste clogs meridians along which “heaven chi” flows, his net energy gain will be less than that of a vegetarian, if both practise genuine kungfu, which includes chi kung, i.e. the art of energy management."

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